Students. Neighbourhoods. Friendships.

Southampton’s Largest Student Landlord

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Three easy steps

How it works

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Polygon is for late nights in the City
Portswood is for meeting with your mates
Highfield is for lay-ins before those 9am lectures

Decide on your area, maximum budget and group size.

Search our property lists and watch our walk through videos.

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Pick your favourite property as the 1st house to view

Book a viewing online of this property

A member of SNF will meet with you and show you around.

You can see up to 4 properties within an 1 hour viewing slot. They must be in the same area and same number of bedrooms.

What to expect on a viewing Arrow

The LEAD tenant to email with a request to reserve your chosen property and a list of all tenant names and email address'

SNF will send reservation instructions by return.

All Tenants to fill in a NEW TENANT DETAILS from.

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Why choose us

Southampton’s largest student Landlord

An incredible selection of properties for University of Southampton and Solent University students

About us
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Any questions?

When is move in day? Arrow

Key collection is from: 12 Noon to 5pm on July 1st. Only one tenant from each group attends to collect all of the keys. They are then expected to distribute them to the other tenants in the group. Tenants collecting keys after the 1st July can do so anytime during office opening hours. We would advise the lead tenant to ring in advance to make sure keys are available.

How do I report maintenance? Arrow

For all maintenance issues are reported via your Fiixit account. Jobs are allocated to maintenance operatives and notification of their attendance is via Fiixit.

You can track progress and keep informed with maintenance actions.

For URGENT maintenance issues call on 07773 794657.

When should I start looking for a property? Arrow

November and December. This will give you the best selection of properties. Once all of our properties are rented, there are no more!

Where should I be looking? Arrow

Highfield is close to the University of Southampton, as is Portswood which is also close to lots of amenities. The Polygon is close to Solent University and the city centre.

How big are the properties? Arrow

We have 1 to 9 bedroomed properties.

How do I book a viewing? Arrow

You can book online, call or email the SNF office.

Who pays the utility bills? Arrow

The tenants are responsible for the gas, electricity and water bills. We do offer a utility bills scheme which you can opt into!

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S.N.F. News

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Smart platform for Landlord property maintenance With Fiixit, we’re not just managing…

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Out with the old… in with the new: Student No Fee Rebrands!

As you can probably tell from this brand new and improved website,…

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Why I chose to live in the Polygon, as a University of Southampton Student

By Sarah Nauman The Polygon is a district for everyone, with a…

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